Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Well i been using another Blogging service which felt much better,
New Blogging site

Monday, August 6, 2007

5 years of archives...

ok maybe not five years but for my off records it been moe than that. what am i saying? well during this semester break i found all my old diaries. i kept it locked away like a time capsule.
harhar the things i wrote when i am form 2-5. that all that i found out. some made me laugh.. some reminds me of my old friends, some made me sick. but it had made me think. i had change alot from those time...

things i found out.
i was a class leader.. OMG !!!! REALLY!!!!??
i had a crush..
I was weak.
I am not that happy.
i have alot of friends i forgotten for a while but still remembered them.
i was a nobody
i did not achive that much.
I was the school repoter?
raya time i complain alot.
I complain alot.

harharh .... i like drawing... hurm why did i forgotten those memories?
maybe it was erased? harhar I dun remember at all being a class rep. I must be sux at it till i do not want to remember it at all. Oh yea I took account last time. why did i do that?
ok it late night.. and i am trired.. solong

Sunday, July 29, 2007


harhar weekend is over!! haitz it monday... i hate monday.... I really hate monday!!
yeap is now 30 minit of my first monday .. lalalala
start of something new... a new day a new gossip.

Wa wa wa. orite!!
harharh just posting something by... Woit!! yang jauh datang melaka nie. masuk2 bilik dah la tak bagi salam masuk2 gelak!! harharhar....
yeap there were 3 aliens came by. visiting from planet cybertron. Yea from cyber. they came by with their space ship proton knight(satria) harhar... do you guess who is it.. sayangnya optimus prime tak datang.. dia balik rumah kat putratron.

i think they arrived around 10 am.. yao! came with a mission.. to go to the bowlingspark. bcoz meg a tron cuti sakit.. so semua gi main bowling,, Aha, betul... gi main bowling... tp kalah..
who cares they came.. haitz... apa2 pun hari nie letih gila

weh I want to go to cybertron!!! guys there Prepare!!! i will go there... if i am free,... YEaP!! i hope so.. please offer a place for me to stay!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


hah har!!! yeap it my birthday! why i am telling the world? well mainly because urm.... idunno why i am excited at all.. haitz... Really i am just happy the way I am. yeah i know i havent don much until the age 19. I know i am not that popular among people. cause i am just another person to another person. hehehe... that how it been and might be for the rest of some people lives.
But what i just say might be wrong. because everyone bring something to someone. yeap. it true. In one point i might had help someone in a really desperate situation that had change their lives. well we all can't remember all but deep down everyone did.
yeap.. 19... OMG 19.!!! it does not sound nice at all. nine teen. hurm....
I haven done much la!!!!!

things i want to do:
-pass exams
-meet someone special (=ω=.)
-well maybe change a new bag, new mouse, and new pants
-change my attitude
-be helpful
-full of energy trough out the year
-learn mandarin
-Finish all my assignment and score it
-be best friends.




OMG i am 19!! today!! Thanks ALL!!! sorry i been busy today so i am just writing down a short one.
thanks to my friends in Cyber!
thanks to my friend in melacca!
Thanks to my house mates!!
thanks Old friendS!
OH no i am at 19! next year 20!! and still act like 12 hehehe
so all i can do in this short time period is post this video!
TO some of my friends out there
one of them - GOOD LUCK!!
another group> come to melacca and .......

Monday, July 23, 2007

tomorrow OH NO!!!

yea tomorrow.24 hours from now!!
What i would want to tell yet.. yeap. No way!!!
alot of things happen today one thing i heard there a fight at UG yeap someone was hospitalize

then is another bz monday!! yeap bzbzbz.. now i feel like garfield I HATE MONDAY!!!
why? because I have to go around campus during 2 hour break. for those who know me i like to finish off my work ASAP. why well i like to RUN. yeaa RUN FARID RUN!.
I run UP FOSEE BUILDING! yeap because the lift broke down.!!

why? it a buzy day? well class start at 10 then break 1 hour. then class again, then break 2 hour where i went to the library to finish off work. then class again then Home for a while then library...

Oh yea there a scene at the library today. The story start like this.. The library guard recently seem to be strict here. i am not sure why but they are. so one guard told this guy that to keep it down. if not get out. the guy replied to her!!. yap.. in one way it is rude. but we are studying how are we going to do our work without noise? so continuing the story, he Said that other people making noise can, then a small quarrel took place and some F*** words came out. APA LAGI MENGAMUK LA GUARd TU!. that guy bebal then went out.. later he went back in the library... haitz...

another interesting thing happend today is how people see 2 people.. hehehe Laugh out loud!!!
HARHAR i can't take it.!! i would not tell this part.... hehehe

Sunday, July 22, 2007

another boring weekend

Yoshi another weekend just pass by.. yeap a boring day as usual yeap i been home whole day doing nothing except play games , watch anime, chating and surfing internet.( and sleeping more than 10 hours)
Wah I play game!? yeap i do I am playing counter strike whole weekend.
all because i am waiting for the latest lucky STar!! muahaha
why am i writing Blog? well bit by bit i tell you about it. mauhaahha!!!

help Me give idea what to write!!!!